Yesterday was a rough day. Monday on my way back from my interview I got a half pint. Then dinner was barbecued chicken strips. That really set off my gut. After a night of not sleeping and puking five times, Tuesday was totally wasted. I’m feeling better now.

I had been experiencing some of the feelings I’ve had during my lowest times of revenge and why me thoughts. Did that have something to do with what was taking place? My suspicion in yes. I managed to read some references in essence saying that as easily as thoughts like this come, I can let them go. I can’t say that I’m totally out of them but I have not focused on them yesterday afternoon the way I was Monday and Tuesday morning.

And on to other things on my mind. I got an email with a video about a city that has no debt and $700 million in the bank.

Check it out

Welcome to Mississauga

Out and about in the City of Mississauga with Mayor Hazel McCallion.
© 2009 YouTube, LLC

And next down on my reading list was the report that Williams-Sonoma’s Net Income Sinks 90 Percent. Pottery Barn and West Elm also shrank. They are looking at promotions to get customers in their stores.

In the mean time I’m waiting for some laminate to dry so I can make some kitchen counters. (It rained this morning and the laminate absorbed a lot of water in the garage.) Checked and it’s not dry enough today.