Detroit’s Gardens & building projects

Peaches & Greens sign

This morning I saw an article in the New York Times about Detroit’s gardens and it got me thinking of a fifteen mile bike ride I had taken through the city last weekend. On my bike ride I saw one greenhouse. That’s it. So I went back out to take a shot of it.

The one garden seen on a 15 mile bike ride

The article also mentioned Peaches & Greens, a store that sells fresh produce. So I also went out to take a shot of it. One block away there is a garden that is planted and another block away there is also garden that is not planted.
The garden and greenhouse were on this street

Peaches & Greens on 3rd

A garden plot that is not planted

A garden plot down the street from Peaches & Greens

I’m not sure about gardening being the saviour of Detroit. Some may make it and some won’t.

I also took some shots of 45 homes that West Oakland Homes
is building in the Northend neighborhood. Surprising is the fact that the workers were from Fenton, which is at least 50 miles away!

Notice the Fenton address (on all trucks and equipment)

Several of the 45 new homes